“When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford”
Samuel Johnson (English Poet, Critic and Writer. 1709-1784)

Tuesday 7 April 2009

frame it

now that i've decided to go on the peru hiking challenge in sept 2010, i really must do something i never did in my life: exercise. this is for me the most hard task ever, me not being the sports kinda girl...
but frame might be a good place to start. based in shoreditch, this new gym has dance, fitness and holistic classes.

Think of Frame as your exercise version of the still much-missed Woolie’s ‘pick and mix’. You can walk in any time of day, grab some fitness, a big ol’ bunch of new skills and sneaky sprinkling of socialising - and you’ve got yourself a new way to get fit, trim, and best of all, have some fun while your doing it!

i'm quite excited with 80's aerobics and musical theatre. they also just had a 3h burlesque & showgirl workshop taken by josephine shaker and whoopee beau belles.

more info here

1 comment:

scarlett said...

tambem quero ir!!!